Day Three

Day Three

The first ride was the Giant Drop which had an amazing view over Dreamworld. Next we went on Tail Spin, a spinning ride on small planes. Then we decided to go on a roller coaster. We decided on Hot Wheels Sidewinder which went upside down and went very fast. Our next choice was the claw however it broke down and didn’t start. We were stuck on the ride for a long 5 minutes.

Next we went on the Shockwave which had a very tight back rest. After that we went to whitewater world. First up we went on the Green Room with mum and dad. The ride was a four person slide and was a good fun warm up.Then we decided to go on Super Tube Hydro Coaster which went up and down a lot. Then we did the Wedgie. The start of the wedgie  you full from a trap door to get on to the water slide.

Then we went on The Bro which is a slide that you go down on mats. Next on the list was Triple Vortex which spins you around a lot and is very fun.The rip was the next ride and it was a another four person ride and it was a lot like the Hamner water slide. Then we did The little Rippers which was again like Hamner water slide. Then we did the Temple of Huey which was three rides and all of then were very similar and fun. After that we did the wedgie again and the Super tubes hydro coaster. Then we went back to dreamworld and went on the Claw which had been fixed - it was very fun and exciting. 

Super Tube Hydro Coaster 

The Claw



  1. You are doing so many exciting things you must be getting dizzy with all the spinning and up and down movements. Have you been to any Commonwealth Games events yet?

    1. Yes I see the ones for Day 4. I'll have to recheck Day 2. Thanks.


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